The Art of Fire
Ambassador of the Official Dutch Burns Foundation
Keeper, Defender and Presenter
of the Miraculous and Sacred Holy Flame
Worlds First Discoverer of the Most Miraculous True Natural Flames
Remember the old Greek Myth of Prometheus
" Prometheus was a Wise man.
He Feld ashamed of the Gods..
He wanted to Help Humanity.
So he Stole the Fire from the Gods
In order to Give it to Us,
the People
He told us to handle it
Wisely and To Think Ahead! "
Well... I'm Sorry, Prometheus.
I Only get Wiser
Through Life Experiences
Without being Wise and Thoughtful. Hidden in Fire,
I Discovered 60 Once-in-a-Lifeti,me Paredolia. Out of Roughly 60.000 All different Pictures.
.I'm still Flabbergasted and Fascinated by these Miraculous "Magical Flames"!
Hai, I'm Dr.PhldrmauZ
In my Eyes I'm an Intuitive Sjaman, Instinctive Healer, Active Dreamer/ Creator and "Lover of Life" Dancer.
In the Eyes of Society I'm not only a Successful Exposing Autodidactic Multi Artist.
I'm also an Ambassodor of the Official Dutch Burns Foundation.
I Create 3-Dimensional Expositions wherein I Expose my Art to the Public.
I Intergrade my Art with Attractions and High Quality Products of All Sorts.
Let me Invite you Politely to What I have to Offer besides the Regular Merchandise.
I Show, Preach and Sell an Enchanting Message of Love, Joy and Amazement. It's all about Fire and Passion for Life. I Froze Astonishing Moments in Time with my Camera. Back in 2012. It was a Time where there was No Artificial Intelligence Available for the Public, Yet.
My Pictures are Garanteed all Original, Pure & Unique.
Though I'm a great Fan of Fire, I also Fear and Respect it. That's why I Owe and Show Great Respect for the People Who Fight and Defend Against Fire and it's Bad Consequences. They All are Doing a Fantastic Job! They are the Heroes in the Field in Trying to Make this World a Better Place for All of Us. This Goal We All Share. Including Me. \\\\\so that's why I became an Ambassador of the Burns Foundation. Ow, Yeah Baby, Here we Go!!!
Here We Go!!!
As a Good Selling Artist I Desire to Contribute to Society by Touching the Heart and Minds of Other Souls, Worldwide. Not Showing my Gratitude to the Community Only by Just by Paying Taxes. No! There is More to Society and Life in General in my humble Opinion. That's Why I Bring Love, Fantasy and Fire Renewed to the Table. In a New Package so to Say.
The Vibe of Love, Joy, Bliss and Gratitude are Commonly Desired by the Hearts and Minds of Every Human Being Worldwide. We all Share the Same Fears and the Same Fascination for Fire. We Love It and We Despise it. My Work offers a New Side to Fire. The Imaginative Side.
With my Magical Flames Expo Tour Im not only Promoting my Art, I also Create More Public Awareness for the Aftermath of Burns. Wounds need Healing. Burns on the Body need Technology to Heal. Burns on the Soul need Time, Love and Inspiration to Heal.
Look into the Light
My Flabbergasting "Lucky Shot" Pictures of Fire, Helped me Personally to Find my Peace with my Trauma of Fire in my Life. That is Why I'm Offering my Pictures and Products to Behold and Support the Burns Foundation.
I looked into the Light of the Flames and I feld Warm inside. I feld my Passion. My Pictures Helped me Overcome my deepest Fears, Freed me of being Haunted and Showed me the Way to Fantasyland where Anything is Possible. I became the Wizzard again. My Wishes started to come True One by One. Guided by Life I Made the Right Friends. The Ones who Resonate with my Soul. I'm Very Gratefull for all the Support I Receive. Because of Them I'm Able to Shine my Light to the World. Wauw!!!
Dreams and Desires
My Motivations that make me Do what I Do are:
1. My Desire to Be of Service to My Family
2. My Desire to Be of Service for Society
3. My Desire to Show and Sell my Profound Pictures in the Most Unique, Exciting and Exclusive Way.
What can I Do to Be of Service to You?

Make your own Discoveries
I Invite You to further Explore this Website in Search for your Desires.
But, Remember it's Magical! So You have to Use your Imagination as If you are a little Kid.
Only then:
1. You might Discover some Very Rare and Imaginative Flames, Frozen Solid in Time.
2. You might Find out how I Picture my Future Traveling Expo Circus and how I sell my Officially Documented Unique Flames and other High Class Lifestyle Products.
3. You might Get a Picture of the Endless Posibillities Possible to further Commercialize Dr.PhldrmauZ as a New Renown and Succesful Brand in the World.
Wanna Discover more? Just Click any Button.
The Versatility of Dr.PhldrmauZ
Dr.PhldrmauZ Actively and Financially Supports and Promotes these two Fantastic Organizations

Every Day is kind of Carnival and On Wheels, Life is Better
I'm Passionately on Fire and Live my Dearest Dream!
Life is a Party
And Your Invited!